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Family of Abducted Tanzanian Billionaire Offers Reward for Information on His Whereabouts

The family of Mohammed Dweji, Africa's youngest billionaire, is offering $437,000 for information that will lead to his safe return.

Latst week, Tanzania's richest man and Africa's youngest billionaire Mohammed Dewji was abductedoutside of an upscale hotel in Dar es Salam. His whereabouts still remain unknown, and now his family if offering a hefty financial reward to anyone with information that will help lead to his safe return.

Dweji's family is offering 1 billion Tanzanian shillings (~$437,000) to anyone with information on his whereabouts. reports Forbes.

"We would like to thank God, and applaud the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and its institutions for the hard work they are currently doing to make sure that our beloved son is found," saysAzim Dewji, the family spokesperson. "We urge you to continue keeping MO in your prayers as our nation continues the search for him."

Dewji was taken outside of the gym of Colosseum Hotel in the neighborhood of Oyster Bay. The family hopes that the reward will urge anyone with legitimate information to speak up, and have stated that anyone who comes forward will remain anonymous.

Around 20 men have been arrested in connection to the kidnapping, CNN reports. The exact motivations still remain unclear. Despite earlier beliefs that the abduction was a "ransom kidnapping," police say they are yet to receive a demand.

Dewji—nicknamed Mo—is a popular, well-liked figure in Tanzania, known for helping turn METL Group, a company which his father founded in the 1970s, into a pan-African conglomerate. Well-wishers continue to push for his safe return.