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PDP senators call for Buhari’s impeachment

Photo credits: SIGNAL

Some senators have called for the impeachment of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The call follows the senate’s debate on the unapproved spending of $496 million by the federal government on the purchase of some fighter jets from the US government.

Buhari had approved the withdrawal of the money from the excess crude account without the backing of the national assembly.

He subsequently sent a letter to the upper legislative chamber on Wednesday, seeking their approval of the expenses — a move that angered that the lawmakers.

At plenary on Thursday, some senators in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) including Mathew Urhoghide and Chukwuka Utazi described the president’s action as an impeachable offence and called on their colleagues to commence an impeachment process again the president.

Their call generated a mild drama in the red chambers with some lawmakers advising against the move.