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Listen To 2 Dope Mixes By DJ Raiko

Two mixes, one hip-hop, and another new soul, from DJ Raiko.

DJ Raiko, a South African hip-hop legend of note, and one of the best to ever operate the wheels of steel this side of the Equator, just dropped two mixes on his SoundCloud page.

The first mix, titled 84' JETTA RAP, is hip-hop, consisting mostly of golden-era inspired rap music. You'll hear songs from the likes of Pusha TElzhiPrincess NokiaJonwayne, among others.

The second mix, titled dither, consists of new school R&B; and soul music, featuring songs by artists such as Jorjia SmithSiRSZA, and a lot more.

Listen to the mixes below, and be sure to follow DJ Raiko on SoundCloudTwitterInstagram and Facebook, for more mixes and remixes.

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