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Bobi Wine Has Been Released On Bail

A judge has determined that the Ugandan artist, who appeared in court on crutches, poses no flight risk.

After spending weeks in custody, Bobi Wine has been released on bail, along with 12 others accused of treason for allegedly attacking President Museveni's vehicle during a by-election rally.

Gulu High Court Justice Stephen Mubiru ruled, on Monday, that Wine—who was rearrested last Thursday after being freed from military court—did not constitute a flight risk, and could keep h passport.

By-election winner, Kassiano Wadri, who was arrested alongside Wine was also been granted bail on Monday, BBC Africa reports.

A video shared online, shows Wine appearing in court on crutches. The singer was alleged to have been badly beaten by Ugandan military forces.


Wine is expected back in court on August 30 along with 33 others who have been accused.

International support for Wine, who many believe is being unfairly targeted by Ugandan authorities, continues to grow. Last week the like of Angelique KidjoFemi KutiChirs MartinPeter GabrielWole Soyinka and more signed a letter, condemning his imprisonment.