Talk Talk Nigeria

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WildKulture, the emerging label for fashion-forward women who want to make a statement

With fashion influencer Jennifer Oseh at the helm, WildKulture was always going to be a brand that was in a league of its own.

The brand which describes itself as creating 'wearable art and functional pieces' is the brainchild of the original Wildflower, style influencer Jennifer Oseh, who has amassed an impressive following with her vibrant sense of style.

Although the label hasn't officially launched, we are spotting Wildflowers popping up all over Instagram. Talented author and outspoken feminist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was spotted wearing a WildKulture ensemble at her Lagos event. Wearing an unusual combination of a polka dot blouse and tailored floral pants, Chimamanda looked youthful and chic in her WildKulture creation.

Meet the women that are already a part of the #WildKultureTribe and if you'te not, what are you waiting for?!