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Ivanka Trump Says a Trip to Africa Would Inspire President Trump

Ivanka Trump Says a Trip to Africa Would Inspire President Trump

From "shithole" to "inspired"? We're certainly not buying that one.

If anyone has hopes of President Donald Trump changing his views on African countries, it's his daughter, Ivanka Trump. Although she seemed genuinely inspired following her recent visits to Ethiopia and the Ivory Coast to promote women empowerment and gender equality, we can hardly believe that her father would feel the same way should he actually visit the continent himself.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Trump said that the White House should be judged by its actions toward a continent that her father has "privately" disparaged in the past. We're not sure if the fact that he said that African countries were "shithole countries" in private was supposed to somehow dignify his remarks.

In any case, his private remarks became quite public and we doubt that his general perception of Africa will change overnight with a single visit to the continent. We're also pretty doubtful that the president is even remotely interested in making the visit in the first place.

Trump added that:

"Our commitment to Africa is clear. I've been deeply, deeply inspired by my trip here. And I think he will be as well...I'm very excited about continuing my work to specifically focus on advocating and advancing the role of women on this continent and beyond."

Whilst President Trump seemed somewhat sheepish following his disparaging remarks, again, we're not really buying any of it. His daughter's trip was met with a healthy level of skepticism since the president has reportedly been attempting to cut off foreign aid to a number of African countries since last year.

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4 African Directors Have Been Selected to Present Films at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival

4 African Directors Have Been Selected to Present Films at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival