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10 home remedies to lighten your skin naturally right now!

There are harmful skin whitening products in the market, because they are made from chemicals which are dangerous to your skin if used for a long time.

How to lighten the skin is a hot issue among the women at every age these days.

Among them, many people may have an imbalanced skin tone like the darker skin on the neck but the lighter skin on the face, while others may experience the pigmentation problems related to sunburn. By and large, contacting with sunshine for a long time can make your skin dry, dull and dark. What’s more, using some specific chemical skin care products in a long time can lead to the same problems.

There are a lot of skin whitening products available in the market, but over half of them are made from chemicals which are harmful to your skin if used for a long time. Also, these chemicals may cause many side effects to your skin, such as dullness, uneven skin tone or acne breakout. But, don’t worry because there are many natural home remedies to lighten your skin that you can use right now!

Today article is going to give to top 10 home remedies to lighten your skin safely, naturally, effectively and simply.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt, a probiotic food, is a by-product of milk which contains many essential nutrients critical to your skin. Particularly, lactic acid in yogurt has moisturizing and bleaching features which make this probiotic a great skin care remedy when applied to your skin. It helps prevent the appearance of freckles and blemishes in your skin, give you a fresh, youthful and glowing skin.

There are many ways to apply yogurt to your skin. You can gently rub a plain of yogurt on your skin and leave it for some minutes before washing off it with lukewarm water. You should do this remedy once every day for couples of weeks to get a satisfying result.

Alternatively, you can apply the mixture of a half tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of fresh yogurt onto your face and neck skin and let it dry naturally for 10 – 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Do it every day. You can also make a thick yogurt paste to use as a mask by adding some oatmeal and a little lemon juice. This mixture helps moisturize your skin and keep it supple.

2. Oranges

Oranges are very rich in vitamin C which is the essential nutrient for skin care. Moreover, this fruit contains bleaching properties which are extremely powerful in lightening the skin tone. Consuming fresh orange juice regularly can improve the texture of the skin and keep it supple. You can use oranges in 2 ways to lighten your skin.

The first way is to apply the mixture of two tablespoons of orange juice with one pinch of turmeric powder onto the face and neck before bedtime. This mixture can also be used for hands and legs. Leave it for 20 – 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Do it daily.

Alternatively, you can make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of the powder ground from dried orange peels with one tablespoon of plain yogurt and apply it to your skin. Wash off the paste after 15 – 20 minutes. This remedy helps lighten the marks and spots on your facial skin. You should do it once or twice per week. Don’t do more than that.

3. Gram Flour

Another home remedy to lighten your skin is gram flour. It is one of the greatest solutions to lighten your skin safely, effectively and naturally which will not cause harm to your skin health like chemical skincare products on the market. Gram flour is a nutrient-dense ingredient which not only helps lighten your skin but also keeps it extremely healthy. The remedy given below is very useful in removing excess oil in your skin while keeping it moisturized naturally.

To make the solution, you need to create a thick paste of some gram flour combined with a little rose water or fresh water and apply this paste onto your skin in the face, hand, and leg areas. Let it dry before rinsing off the paste with water.

4. Honey

Honey is a wonderful skin-care ingredient which has great bleaching and moisturizing properties. It helps to treat the problem of imbalanced skin tone related to dryness. Also, this ingredient is rich in antibacterial properties which help fade acne scars and age spots on your skin. There are many ways to use honey to lighten your skin, but the article will give you two most simple-but-effective remedies below.

The first way is to directly apply pure honey onto your face and leave it for some minutes before rising off it with lukewarm water. This remedy helps draw out dead skin cells and give you a fresher and brighter skin. You should do this remedy once a day.

Another way to use honey is to make a skin-lightening mask. You need to mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice, a half teaspoon of almond oil and one teaspoon of milk powder. Gently apply the mixture to your skin. Leave it for 10 – 15 minutes before rinsing off it with cold water. Do it daily.

5. Lemons

Lemons contain an acidic property which helps bleach your skin. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C which stimulates the production of a new cell.

Moreover, this fruit has antioxidants which are very essential for skin complexion. You can squeeze lemons to take the fresh juice, dip a cotton ball into it and apply the fresh juice onto your face. Or you can directly rub a slice of lemon on the affected skin and let the fresh juice stick to your skin. Leave the lemon juice for at least one hour before rinsing it off with water and do it every day. This method helps prevent the scars development on your face and lighten your skin tone.

Alternatively, you can make a mixture of three teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of powdered turmeric to apply to your skin. Leave the solution for 30 minutes before washing off it with water, and do it every day. Or you can apply the mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of milk powder and one teaspoon of honey for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse it off. Do it every day.

Don’t use lemon juice for your skin when having open wounds, sensitive skin or any allergies.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is active in relieving hyperpigmentation, one of the main factors leading to imbalance skin tone, and restoring the original color of your skin. It also had the cooling effect which helps restore damaged tissue and regenerate new cells, keeps your skin healthy.

Take some leaves of aloe vera and peel the outer layers off. Squeeze out to get the thick, jelly-like gel and apply it to your skin. Leave it for 30 minutes before washing off it with water. Do it twice a day for two weeks to improve your skin tone.

7. Papaya

This ingredient is regularly used in a lot of beauty treatments, including lightening your skin tone. Thanks to its natural bleaching properties and many other essential nutrients, papaya will give you a glowing and healthy skin. The simplest way is eating papaya fruit. Alternatively, cut to take the inner part of papaya skin to rub on your face and leave it till dry. Then, use cold water to rinse your face and pat it dry. Do this treatment every day.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric is regularly used to lighten the skin tone. It maintains the balanced skin tone by building up the type of melanin content. It also contains antioxidant and antiseptic properties which keep your skin healthy. There are two powerful remedies that you can follow.

First and foremost, you can make a thick paste of milk cream and powdered turmeric to apply to your skin. Let it dry and clean again with lukewarm water. Another way is making a mask by mixing a half teaspoon of powdered turmeric with one teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of gram flour and apply it on your skin. Leave the mask for 20 – 25 minutes till dry. Take off the mask and wash your face again with lukewarm water.

9. Cucumber

This vegetable binds collagen to keep your skin firm, supple, and light. It also contains cooling effect when applied on your skin. You can use this remedy for every type of skin, even sensitive skin.

The most common way is putting cucumber slices on your face and leaving them for some minutes, then taking them off and washing your face with warm water. You should follow it twice a day. Another way is making a spot-reducing mask by mixing honey and grated cucumber and applying it on the neck and face, leaving the mask for 15 – 20 minutes and then using cold water to wash it off.

Do it twice a day. You can also apply the mixture of one teaspoon of cucumber juice and one teaspoon of lemon juice, leave it for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse off the mixture with water. Do it once a day.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the best ingredient to stimulate new skin cells’ growth, avoid old cells and improve the skin tone. It also exfoliates your skin, keeps it soft and supple. You can follow two remedies below to take care of your skin with oatmeal. First, make a mixture of oatmeal and tomato juice to apply onto the skin and leave the dough for 20 minutes before washing off it with cold water.

When washing, rub the skin gently to pull the dead skin cells out from your skin. Do it every day. Alternatively, make a paste of one teaspoon of powdered oatmeal, a pinch of turmeric and some drops of lemon juice to apply to your skin and allow it dry. Then, rinse off the mask with water. Do it once a day.

The article has given you top ten home remedies to lighten your skin naturally that you can use right now. Hope these remedies will help you treat the problem of uneven skin complexion and give you a healthy, light, fresh and glowing skin.