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Embracing the Holy Month of Ramadan: Things to do And things Never to Do

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion for Muslims around the world. During this holy month, observers fast from dawn until sunset, refraining from consuming food or drink, among other things. However, Ramadan is not just about fasting; it's also a time for spiritual growth, charity, and community. Whether you are observing Ramadan for the first time or seeking to enrich your experience, here are important things to know and avoid during this sacred month.

Important Things to Know

1. Understanding the Significance

Ramadan commemorates the month when the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, making it a time for deep spiritual reflection and study. Understanding the historical and spiritual significance of Ramadan can enrich your experience.

2. Fasting with Intention

Fasting during Ramadan (Sawm) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is obligatory for all adult Muslims, with exceptions for those who are ill, pregnant, breastfeeding, traveling, or menstruating. The fast is not just a physical discipline but also a way to cultivate self-restraint and empathy towards those less fortunate.

3. Suhoor and Iftar

Suhoor is the pre-dawn meal that provides sustenance for the day of fasting ahead. It should be a balanced meal rich in nutrients. Iftar, the meal to break the fast, traditionally starts with dates and water, followed by a light meal. Overeating should be avoided to maintain the spirit of self-discipline.

4. Increased Prayer and Recitation of the Quran

Ramadan is a time to increase your worship and devotion. Engaging in additional prayers, such as Taraweeh (night prayers), and reading the Quran daily can help you connect more deeply with your faith.

5. Charity and Community Involvement

Giving (Zakat) and acts of charity (Sadaqah) are highly emphasized during Ramadan. It's a time to help those in need and participate in community activities, fostering a sense of belonging and collective faith.

Important Things to Avoid

1. Neglecting Hydration

During non-fasting hours, it's crucial to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Avoiding caffeine can also prevent dehydration.

2. Skipping Suhoor

Skipping the pre-dawn meal can make fasting more challenging and may lead to fatigue and dehydration.

3. Excessive Eating During Iftar

Overeating when breaking the fast can cause discomfort and health issues. It's better to break the fast with something light and then have a more substantial meal later.

4. Wasting Time

Ramadan is a valuable time for spiritual growth. Avoid wasting time on unnecessary activities and instead focus on prayer, reading the Quran, and family.

5. Forgetting the Spirit of Ramadan

Beyond fasting, remember that Ramadan is about self-discipline, empathy, giving, and community. Focus on personal growth and how you can contribute positively to the lives of others.


Ramadan offers a unique opportunity for spiritual renewal and community bonding. By understanding its significance and adhering to its practices while avoiding potential pitfalls, you can make the most of this holy month. Embrace the discipline of fasting, the joy of Iftar with loved ones, the tranquility of prayer, and the fulfillment of charity. May this Ramadan bring you closer to your faith and the essence of communal solidarity.