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5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Live a Happier Life

Happiness – that elusive state we all chase, yet often feels like it is out of reach. What if the secret to a more joyful existence was hidden in plain sight, backed by science? After scouring the vast expanse of psychological research, we’ve distilled five proven strategies to lead a happier life.

1. Cultivate Gratitude

At the forefront of happiness research is the practice of Gratitude. It’s more than just saying ‘thank you’. A study by several renowned found that individuals who wrote about things they were grateful for every week were more optimistic and felt better about their lives than those who recorded hassles or neutral life events.

Action Tip: Start a gratitude journal. Each night, jot down three things you’re thankful for. The catch? They must be different each day. This simple act can significantly enhance your well-being.

2. Savor Life’s Joys

The importance of savouring is very important  – the act of stepping outside of an experience to review and appreciate it. Whether it’s relishing a delicious meal or basking in a beautiful sunset, savouring amplifies positive emotions.

Action Tip: Try the “1-2-3 Stop!” method. Several times a day, stop whatever you’re doing and focus on one positive experience for one minute. Observe it with all your senses, reflect on it for two minutes, and discuss or write about it for three minutes.

3. Foster Connections

 Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Social connections, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives.

Action Tip: Prioritise relationships. This doesn’t mean you need a vast social network. Foster deeper connections with a few people. Schedule regular catch-ups, be it a weekly call with a friend or family dinners.

4. Embrace Kindness

Performing acts of Kindness can boost happiness. When we do good for others, we feel good about ourselves – it’s a boomerang effect.

Action Tip: Commit to a “Kindness Day” once a week. It could be something as simple as paying for buying lunch for someone or volunteering at a local charity. The key is to do it with no expectation of return.

5. Nurture a Growth Mindset

individuals with a ‘growth mindset’ – those who believe their abilities can be developed – tend to be happier. They view challenges as learning opportunities which lead to a more fulfilling life.