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Iranian rapper sentenced to death for supporting anti-hijab protests

Toomaj Salehi, a rapper, was condemned to death by an Iranian court for promoting anti-hijab demonstrations.

The rapper has been imprisoned for more than a year and a half for his support of the wave of protests caused by the murder of Mahsa Amini, who died days after being arrested for wearing a "improper" hijab in 2022.

On Wednesday, Toomaj Salehi's attorney, Amir Raisian, stated that Branch 1 of the Isfahan Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death for corruption on Earth.

Salehi was detained in October 2022 for openly supporting anti-hijab protests.

The Revolutionary Court charged Salehi with "assistance in sedition, assembly and collusion, propaganda against the system, and calling for riots."

The Iranian Supreme Court examined the case and ordered the subordinate court to "remove the flaws in the sentence."

However, Raisian claims that the court "in an unprecedented move, emphasised its independence and did not implement the Supreme Court's ruling."

According to Raisian, the rapper "will certainly appeal against the sentence."