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How to Care For Your Skin in this Hot, Sunny Weather

If you are in Nigeria right now, one thing is undeniable; the weather has been extremely HOT this month! From as early as 6 am, the sun is up and blazing like its noon. Let’s blame climate change for this one because typically, we ought to have been in the rainy season by now; fingers crossed until June, as weather forecasters have promised.

For now, we all have to deal with the heat that messes with our sleeping pattern, dressing, mood and skin.

The body has to do so much to regulate its temperature; therefore, you’re sweating much more than you used to, clothes are sticky, and skin is extra sensitive and itchy; it really is the worst. While we, unfortunately, can’t do anything about mother-nature, we can definitely help our skin cope better and here’s how:

SPF: Unsurprisingly, this is the first thing on our list. The sun is out full force from as early as 6/6:30 am, and it doesn’t care about being friendly with your skin. Get sunscreen of at least SPF 30 and apply at intervals throughout the day to avoid sunburn.

Wear Less Makeup: Like it or not, your skin needs to breathe now more than ever. Your body will be doing its best to regulate temperature, so it’s one of two things. Either you’re sweating through the products and end up making a mess of your face, or you’re using sweat-proof products that clog your pores leading to sweat and oil retention, which leads to the build-up of bacteria that manifest as breakouts and all sorts of reactions.

Cleanse: If you’ve been doing this before, you need to do it twice as much now. Cleanse twice a day, double cleanse if you have to, and your skin will thank you for it.

Exfoliate: Now is definitely not the time to skip this step. Your skin has likely been packing up a lot of dirt that may not be completely removed by mere baths. Doing a full body exfoliation once or twice a week is highly recommended.

Stay Hydrated: Your body will be losing much water this season and, therefore, will require more water to replace the lost one. Be more intentional about drinking water; every thirty minutes if possible. Your skin also needs water to stay hydrated and look healthy.

Prevent Heat Rash with Powder: Your skin is more prone to heat rash due to this weather, so you should get a cooling powder and apply it on your skin, especially before bed.

Avoid Tight Clothes: Wear loose clothes with light materials to prevent itching caused by sticky sweat. Avoid dark-coloured clothes, as they trap more heat than light-coloured fabrics.