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The purpose of marriage is not to give you happiness - ID Cabasa

He explains that, according to the Bible, marriage was created for the purpose of reproduction.

Veteran music producer ID Cabasa has expressed concern that the true purpose of marriage has been forgotten in today's society.

Speaking during a recent interview with the Echoo Room, he emphasised that the original intent of marriage, as stated in the Bible, is not solely about personal happiness or emotions.

He said, "If I explain this thing, I pray people won't misunderstand. This is what I practice... in the place of marriage, there is God, the man, the woman, and the kids. Even in the creation of marriage, the purpose of marriage has unfortunately been lost. People need to hear me very well so I won't be misquoted. I say that the purpose of marriage is not to give happiness or satisfy your feelings."

The producer went on to state that the primary purpose of marriage, according to biblical teachings, is to multiply. He believes that happiness and fulfillment should naturally follow when couples align with this purpose.

He added, "The purpose was established in the Bible, and I am using the Bible, which is that we should multiply and dominate the earth, and that was the purpose. Happiness and every other thing is supposed to come as a benefit to you for that purpose. So if you follow that purpose where God is the head and man is the head of the family, this means that the man reports to God and the woman."