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Gospel singer Yinka Alaseyori cries for help over death threat.

Popular Nigerian gospel singer Yinka Alaseyori has spoken out against purported death threats.

During an Instagram live session, Alaseyori requested the audience for prayer support.

In a now-trending video on the internet, the singer, who did not name anyone, claimed that she had been subjected to online attacks for the previous six months.

She stated, "I am meant to fear humans. I will not die untimely. It's become a taboo. You should check my DMs. People's comments and obscenities make me smile. I see people wishing me many things. I will only laugh at you. Because anyone wishes me death is counting down the days till his or her own death.

"If you believe I deserve to die, you too want to die. If you are calling for death, please do not contact me via direct message. Don't tell anyone about me for evil. If anyone gathers to wish me death, no matter how many there are, including prophets, the angel of death will pursue them. The world is wicked. It is quite painful and depressing. A lot of things are happening behind the scenes.

Please pray for me. I need your help. If you see me on stage, please pray for me. And please pray for me if you don't see or hear from me."