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A person once slapped me because of a role I played - Ngozi Nwosu

A person once slapped me because of a role I played - Ngozi Nwosu

Speaking during a recent interview with Abiola Akinrinde on the Talk to B podcast, Nwosu recalled the unforgettable experience that left a lasting impact on her.

"I have so many unforgettable experiences, is it about life or in this industry? I'll share a story from when I just started newly. I had the experience at Lawanson bus stop precisely, that time I was going to catch a bus; you know, I had no money at that time so I was going to get a bus, and a guy walked up to me and the next thing he did was to give me a dirty slap," she narrated.

The actress recalled her shock at that moment and how the perpetrator called her names for her role in a movie

"I won't lie o I was dazed, and I was wondering, 'What did I do to deserve this one?' He started screaming, You're a wicked woman!! For what you did to lagbaja, you are a killer," she added.

"In a movie?" Biola, the host, asked in shock.

"Yes o," she confirmed, "because he watched me being mean to someone in a movie. He was saying, 'Don't worry, I will tell my wife that I have retaliated.' People around were asking him if he was okay and why he would slap a woman that way. He was adamant o, saying, I'm too wicked."

She revealed that the encounter affected her, leading her to be more cautious about her surroundings.

Nwosu said, "That is an experience I will never forget and it made me walk and watch my back. I became very cautious of where I would go. After that, I became a taxi freak."

This blood type is so rare that only 43 people have it in the world

This blood type is so rare that only 43 people have it in the world

Snoop Dogg, Billie Eilish to Perform at Olympic Closing Ceremony

Snoop Dogg, Billie Eilish to Perform at Olympic Closing Ceremony