Wanni reveals to Shaun that he satisfied her three times on BBNaija Season 9. — Talk Talk Nigeria


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Wanni reveals to Shaun that he satisfied her three times on BBNaija Season 9.

Wanni reveals to Shaun that he satisfied her three times on BBNaija Season 9.

Wanni, Big Brother Naija's 'No Loose Guard' housemate, has revealed that her lover, Shaun, made her 'cum' three times in Biggie's house.

Wanni told this to her twin sister, Handi, after her confession to having an intimate relationship with Shaun.

Wanni praised Shaun's sexual performance as amazing when recounting her own experience.

In a now-trending social media video, Wanni stated, "Shaun has made me come three times in this house. He is the greatest I've ever had.

According to TalkTalk Nigeria, Wanni revealed last week the longest period of time she had gone without having intimate contact with another man.

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