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How To Make the Most of The Rest of 2022.

Sometimes it still feels like it was just yesterday we had the pandemic, and the world was on lockdown, but the truth is, it’s been two years! 2022 sneaked in and is looking to sneak out just like that. How did we get from Happy New Year, Welcome to 2022, to almost Merry Christmas in the blink of an eye? Who even signed off on November?

You’re probably looking at the multiple Happy New Month and Welcome to November messages on your phone in disbelief. Then you remember your New Year Resolutions, but you can’t remember all, so you dash to your journal or open the notepad on your phone only to find out that out of fifteen things you wrote down, you only managed to achieve two [inserts crying emoji].

Well, we can’t promise you that upon reading this article, you will be able to finish all. We’re not magicians. However, we can promise that you will feel less sorry for yourself and more motivated to resume.

So. you’re faced with thirteen (13) or so resolutions unattended to and unsure where to pick up from? First, don’t close the book. Turn a new page and select three things you think are still achievable within the next six weeks. It’s best to start counting what’s left of the year in weeks, not months, or you will stay relaxed, thinking you still have time.

Say, for instance, you wanted to learn how to drive. This can be done in three weeks, give or take. Fix a date to start at least three days from when you read this. Avoid procrastination.

Next, set smaller goals. For instance, you set out to lose 25kg this year, but you’ve only managed to lose 5kg, or maybe you’ve even added 5kg extra [inserts more crying emoji], set a smaller goal of what you can shed every two weeks. You can set out to lose 2kg every two weeks. With six weeks left, it means you can shed about 6kg before the year ends. Depending on your fitness plan and body metabolism, you might lose more than this, but 6kg is a good enough mark.

In a nutshell, some things will have to be carried over to the next year but getting into the next year ready leaves you feeling empowered. So first, itemize by priority and feasibility, set smaller goals from the original goals, make plans and set those plans in motion as soon as possible. It is recommended that you get started at least three days after you read this, or you risk procrastinating yet again.