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5 Reasons Men should be in touch with their feelings.

5 Reasons Men should be in touch with their feelings.

In a society that tends to link a man’s strength with his ability to hide emotions, men should feel empowered to challenge and dismiss this preconceived notion about their masculinity. The true strength of a man comes from being open and brave enough to talk about how he really feels. Contrary to what many think, men can feel a wide range of emotions just like women. By stopping the stereotypes the world has about questioning a man’s masculinity when he shows his emotions, we can create a better environment for men to thrive and feel free to be their true authentic selves. Men’s emotions are just as valid and important as a woman’s, and being in touch with his emotions doesn’t make him effeminate but shows that he is human.

Coping skills get better.

When guys feel at ease talking about their feelings, they become better at dealing with tough situations; they build resilience and have better coping skills. Knowing how to handle and manage complex emotions helps men face life’s problems and challenges more effectively.

Builds stronger intimate relationships.

Expressing your feelings and showing emotions can help improve a man’s relationship with his significant other. When you can show and tell someone you care about how you feel, they are more inclined to learn and know what makes you happy or sad. This can bring you closer together and reduce arguments as the other person becomes better at meeting your needs. A deep, personal sharing of feelings improves communication between lovers. That’s how trust grows. When you share something about yourself, you’re likely to get something back in return.

Improves a man’s mental health

Men who talk about their feelings in healthy, adaptive ways show lower rates of mental health issues generally. When men are willing and able to lean into their emotions, express what they’re going through, and allow themselves to be vulnerable, the mental health benefits can be immense. Rates of anxiety and depression in men decline when they allow themselves to show their emotions, and they experience a greater sense of relief and well-being.

Encourages Empathy and Understanding

Allowing men to express emotions can help them develop empathy and understanding, allowing them to connect more authentically with others. Opening up about their feelings helps men to strengthen their relationships and create a stronger bond with people, particularly in the workplace.

Helps to better cope with trauma and stress

Emotional expression provides men with healthy outlets to process stress and trauma. By expressing their emotions, men can release pent-up feelings and prevent emotional buildup, promoting good mental well-being. It also enhances men’s resilience in the face of adversity. By openly sharing their feelings, men can develop coping mechanisms that aid in navigating tough times and bounce back from challenges.

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Mojisola Hunponu-Wusu: Global Finance Expert

Mojisola Hunponu-Wusu: Global Finance Expert